Volunteers Rock
We aren't kidding when we say


Every year, the MVMPCS community is recognized by FCPS for the incredible number of hours our families have served.
During the 2018-2019 school year, that number was over 14,000 hours!


New volunteer opportunities open frequently. We have a job for everyone!
As a charter school, MVMPCS relies heavily on volunteers to fill many of the essential functions of the school

Volunteers fill key roles such as communications, building & grounds maintenance, and school governance, just to name a few. In addition to helping to bridge the funding gap, volunteering at school helps to build a sense of community. Two-parent/guardian households are asked to volunteer at least 30 hours each year; single-parent/guardian households are asked to give at least 10 hours. 

No Time? Donate money

Unlike traditional public schools, Maryland charter schools do not receive separate funding for facilities. Also, they only receive 75%  of the funding traditional schools receive per student. Select the Donate button above to give a tax deductible gift.

Share professional expertise

Experience in architecture /construction or real estate law? The Facilities Committee could use your expert advice. Have a background in accounting or business? The MVMPCS Budget is prepared and managed by volunteers. Consider offering your professional services pro bono. Select the Contact the Volunteer Committee button above to be contacted about roles that fit your skills.

Committee and Event Positions

Both short and longer term position are available in the community. Browse the committee listings to the right to find positions that interest you or select the Check Current Volunteer Posting button above to find open positions. 

Help Teachers and Student Directly

Some parents/guardians require at home work. Others enjoy interacting with students and teachers in the classroom. Select the Assist in the Classroom button above to contact your student's teacher about opportunities.  To contact a Classroom Liaison about additional opportunities, select the Contact the Volunteer Committee button above.
Participation Requirement: When working directly with students, you must complete FCPS Volunteer Training and be approved by the MVM Front Office.

Children watch everything you do. By giving back to the community, you’ll show them firsthand how volunteering makes a difference and how good it feels to help other people and enact change. It’s also a valuable way for you to get to know other families in the community!

Whatever your profession or skill might be, you can use it to give back to your community. 

Email volunteer@mvmpcs.org to learn more about each committee and volunteer opportunities.


Volunteer Hours Matter!

FCPS records our yearly volunteer hours and this information is shared with state and other grant-funding institutions, which makes it of vital importance as we qualify for grants.

We work together as a community and institution to recognize the importance of these reports. The Board of Education also looks at our volunteer hours as an indicator of community involvement when we submit our Annual Report or go before them for Charter Renewal.