Arrival and Dismissal times are always a busy time at MVMPCS. Please follow the Safety and Courtesy guidelines below to help it all run smoothly.
We have two areas to drop off students in the morning and pick up at the end of the day:
Drive & Drop – via our carline on Evergreen Street
Park & Walk – an adult must park & walk the child to our entrance on Evergreen Pl.
- Our Carline runs on Evergreen Place going from West to East.
- IMPORTANT! To enter carline go from Fifth St to Elm St to Evergreen Place. DO NOT TURN RIGHT ONTO EVERGREEN PLACE FROM ELM ST (see map on the next page).
- Due to congestion, do not use Rosemont Avenue (Dill Ave) to Elm Street for carline, use the alternate routes outlined on the map.
- Allow space between cars for our neighbor’s driveways and garages while waiting in carline. Be courteous. Allowing 2-3ft between cars should be enough room to move if needed.

- From points South – Take Market Street and make a left onto 5th Street.
- From 5th Street turn left onto Elm Street and then make a left onto Evergreen Place into the Carline. DO NOT TURN LEFT ONTO ELM ST. FROM DILL AVE.
- From points North – Take Bentz St to 5th Street. Make a right onto 5th Street and a left onto Elm St. Finally, make a left turn onto Evergreen Place.
- Arrival is between 8:45 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
- Dismissal is from 3:30 – 3:45 pm Monday –Thursday and from 2:30 – 2:45 pm Friday. Dismissal for 3 & 4 yr old Primary students is 11:30 am (Monday thru Friday).
- A carline card must be displayed on the driver’s side of your dashboard. If you have forgotten your card or do not have one you will be asked to park and walk in to pick up your students. Students are called for dismissal by a staff member whom reads your card.
- You will be asked to move if you arrive for pickup or drop off prior to 15 minutes before arrival or dismissal (8:35AM or 3:15PM M-Th (2:15Fri)). We do not want to block access to our neighbors’ driveways along Evergreen Place.
To help the pick-up line flow smoothly, please arrive somewhere between 3:30 pm and 3:45 pm. If all of the cars arrive at 3:30 your will wait in a longer line and we back up traffic on our side streets. If you can stagger arrival your wait will not be as long and we will not cause traffic disruptions.
Drivers: Please share all of this information with anyone who may be transporting MVMPCS children.
Parents/Guardians are permitted to park in our lot each morning to drop off their children. Parents must walk all students to our main entrance and remain with the student until they enter the door at 8:50 am.
Parking is permitted in our lot until 11:45 am. From 12-3:25 pm our lot will be closed to vehicular traffic so students can attend recess. If you are coming to volunteer or pick up a child during this time please use visitor parking on Bruner Alley. If these spaces are full please use the Staff Parking Area.
All cars parked in our lot during the day should display their staff parking permit or carline card on their car dashboard. Visitors without a card can request one in the school front office.
- No parking on Dill Avenue (in front of the school) from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This includes drop off and pick up and is a city ordinance.
- Use only the main (rear) entrance located on Evergreen Place to enter the building.
- If you arrive before 3:25 pm (2:25 pm on Friday) please do not block the intersection on 5th Street while waiting to enter the lot. Please park on the side of the street if you arrive early.
A bike rack is located in our outdoor classroom area off of Dill Ave. Bikers may use the outdoor classroom entrance.